Eileen Klok Bevan RN, DC

The New Vernon Chiropractic Center is dedicated to helping people in their journey of health and well being. The goal of Chiropractic treatments is to restore the body to it’s natural state of optimal health by removing interferences that impede the body’s natural healing ability.


Chiropractic adjustments help restore spinal alignment and aid the body in healing itself.

Our approach

Our Chiropractic approach is through adjustments of the spine, pelvic bones and even the cranial bones, to help achieve an overall balanced structure to help reduce interference to nerve energy flow so that your own body’s innate intelligence can flow.

Our technique

A case history along with orthopedic, neurological and Chiropractic tests may be performed to help find any areas of your spine or body that may be causing or contributing to your problems. We have protocols to help detect spinal joint dysfunction and to help identify issues with alignment and body mechanics. We use carefully directed pressure to adjust spinal joints to help restore normal spinal motion.

The Chiropractic techniques mainly used by Dr. Bevan are:

  • Activator Methods®

  • SOT® (Sacro Occipital Technique)


Help the overall alignment and function of your spine.